Monday, March 24, 2014

It is not easy to maintain sanity when it seems we are surrounded with insanity at every turn.  I believe I manage quite well, especially living with an 85-year-old woman who sometimes doesn't know if it's day or night.  This morning she got up at 6:30 am and wondered how come dinner wasn't ready yet.  Then she proceeded to turn the TV up to a volume that insured the rest of the house would wake up with her.  I should mention no one works normal hours, so there is no need for any of us to be up before 8 am. A little insane.

Then, last night we wanted to watch a movie on Netflix which we have paid for a couple of years and never used.  My son claimed he didn't know the password, but later informed us there were no more accounts available because three of his friends were using the other accounts which, again, we are paying for.  Should I be paying for something I can't use?  Apparently my husband wants to discuss it with my son first.  Maybe it's me, but that is insane.

Now, on another note, what do you do when you're unemployed?  Well, apparently, you buy a new car.  Yep.  My husband just bought a new car.  He discussed it with me and I didn't say no because, well, I thought logic would kick in and make him realize it might not be a good idea.  When he came home with it, I told him maybe he should have waited a few months and he said I should have said something sooner.  Seriously?  That is insane.

One more thing.  In my job searches, I decided to apply for a job in which I have 26 years experience.  I was rejected because I did not have the experience they were looking for. With that said, I do not know what someone with 26 years experience would have to offer anyone any more.  I'm starting to feel insane.

In summation, I live with a woman who doesn't know night from day, a son who is generous with friends and uses our money, a husband who thinks money grows on trees, no apparent job experience, and I twiddle my thumbs wondering if I'm the one living in an alternate reality.

It has been said that insanity is the closest thing to genius, so maybe everyone around me is a genius!  I better start adopting some of these attitudes so I can be labeled a genius too!  Then we can all really not be that different!

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